Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Make Your Own "Pie"

I got this cute idea here.  It was such a great idea I had to share.  We made some vanilla pudding, bought some mini pie crusts, and got out some toppings.  The girls had a blast making their own "pies."

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Outside Scavenger Hung

Ava has a new favorite activity.  She loves outside scavenger hunts.  I was trying to think of something different to do and I came up with this super simple activity.  I came up with 8 items I thought we would be able to find outside in our neighborhood.  Some of the items were super easy and some we had to look a little harder to find.  I found pictures on the internet and then decided to print the word as well (to encourage those pre-literacy skills).  I simple divided the paper into two columns.  One side had the items and the other side had a place for Ava to check off what she found.  The girls love to take walks around the neighborhood so this was a perfect addition to our frequent neighborhood walks.  Ava took her binoculars.  I put Ellie in the wagon and we were off.  This activity lasted about an hour and we had so much fun.  I already have a second one saved on my computer for  a day when we need something fun to do. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Books for Lunch

I've heard of muffin tin lunches before, but lately I've heard of people basing them on a children's book!  I loved the idea and started planning a bunch of muffin tin lunches based on some of our favorite children's books.  Here is our first one.  The food is based on Goodnight Moon.
The milk was for the cow jumping over the moon.  The moon was the marshmallow.  The three little bears sitting on chairs were Teddy Grahams on cheese chairs.  A star was made from a cookie cutter and cheese.  The two kittens were peanut butter sandwiches cut out with a cat cookie cutter.  The red balloon was grapes.  Applesauce was the mush.  Last, the square cracker was the little toy house.  Ava loved this and ate every bite. (She is not the best eater either.)  I can't wait to do more. :) 

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Toad House

Ava and I made a toad house over the weekend.  It was a easy, yet fun project.  Here is a link that talks about how to do it. 


Sunday, April 19, 2009

Outside Treasures

The weather has gotten so much nicer and everyone loves to be outside!  Take your kids on a "treasure" hunt.  Take them on a walk around your yard or your neighborhood and let them find "treasures."  The treasures may be pinecones, leaves, sticks, rocks, flowers, or other things you would never think of.  My preschooler also found a peanut shell, a plastic flower that used to be on a bike wheel, and a seashell in her sandbox.  You will be surprised what your child views as treasures.  Their eyes see everything as more beautiful than our adult eyes.  :)  Have fun on your treasure hunt.  After they are done they can even glue what they found on a piece of construction paper to make a collage.  

Go outside and enjoy some fresh air, but don't forget that sunscreen!